In an era where seven states have “love jihad” laws, marriage seems like an ambitious project. Just this week, a Dalit man and his Muslim girlfriend were killed in Uttar Pradesh
In a country where 93% of urban Indians choose arranged marriages, the course of true love is not always smooth. (Unsplash)
Tucked away in a safe house at an undisclosed destination in Delhi, “R” is teaching me about love. He’s the Hindu son of a farmer in love with a Muslim woman he met in Lucknow. In an era when interfaith romances are frowned upon and where seven states have “love jihad” laws premised on a conspiracy theory unproven in any investigation, wherein Muslim men marry Hindu women with the purpose of getting them to convert, marriage seems like an ambitious project. Just this week, a Dalit man and his Muslim girlfriend were killed in Uttar Pradesh (UP).